Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The revenge of the Twitter universe

Those Twitters users who engaged in ugly, ignorant comments about Nina Davuluri have literally been driven from the social media network out of shame, as a barrage of backlash went viral.
Davuluri, who became the first Indian-American Miss America on Sunday night, was quickly the target of racist tweets that referred to her as “Miss Al-Qaeda” and “terrorist” and “a slap in the face to the people of 9/11.”

But then the Instant Karma kicked in.

BuzzFeed’s Ryan Broderick compiled dozens of these hateful tweets, posted them in an article and that piece was shared more than 25,000 times. CNN and USA Today followed suit. Many of the tweets were also collected and placed on the Public Shaming Tumblr page, according to ibtimes.com.
In response, several of these Twitter abusers appear to have either deleted or hidden their account. Ibtimes reports that the profile page for Twitter user Jake Amick, who referred to Davuluri as an “Arab,” is now nowhere to be found. The same disappearing act was performed by the disgraced Jessica Ayres, Sara Whitton, De La Rutherford and others. Wendy Fraser, of “slap in the face to the people of 9/11” fame, has deleted her account.

Jared Tomes, who referred to Davuluri as the princess of 7-Eleven, or some such nonsense, has either deleted his Twitter stream or made his account private.
Others may be justifiably hiding under a rock.


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