Tuesday, September 3, 2013

GOP activist: Ousting Lt. Gov. Calley would be 'sheer lunacy'

Republican activist Dennis Lennox says the rigid ideologues in the Michigan Republican Party who want to unseat Lt. Gov. Brian Calley at the 2014 GOP state convention are engaging in “sheer lunacy.”
Writing for our sister paper, the Mount Pleasant Morning Sun, Lennox wrote that those who take a doctrinaire approach fail to understand the difference between the practical realities of governing and what New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently called “esoteric, intellectual debates.”

If the current momentum pushing against Calley continues, Lennox foresees the most spirited, competitive race for lieutenant governor since the revised 1963 State Constitution established the nominating process for the No. 2 spot at party conventions.

Here is the columnist’s take on all this:
“It should go without saying that this is a major distraction at a time when (Gov.) Snyder has to start focusing on defeating presumptive Democratic gubernatorial nominee Mark Schauer.
“Moreover, defrocking the lieutenant governor – effectively a coup d’état – for political novice Wes Nakagiri, a Livingston County tea party leader who declared his candidacy last week, or perennial candidate Todd Courser, who has lost races for both houses of the Legislature and the State Board of Education, is sheer lunacy.

“It’s time for Republicans of prominence to stand up to the malcontents who are playing into the hands of Democrats with their crusade to burn purported RINO ( aka Republican-In-Name-Only) heretics at the stake.
“Unfortunately, too many GOP leaders -- the consultants who make a living off primary or party leadership campaigns, and elected officeholders  -- are afraid to lose the support of the malcontents who act as if they are the high priests of Republicanism.”


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