Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New ad portrays Peters as creature of Washington

A newly formed superPAC today released a clever TV ad today, aimed at skewering Congressman (and Senate candidate) Gary Peters, that is a play on the state's Pure Michigan advertising campaign.
With narration similar to the tourism ads, and gorgeous photos of the nation's capital, the commercial concludes that Peters is "Pure Washington."

I'm not sure how much of an impact the 30-second spot will have in the race to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Carl Levin -- after all, Peters has only served in Washington for 4 1/2 years -- but it sure looks and sounds great. 
The group behind the ad, calling themselves Pure PAC, says it has enough cash to run the ad across the state for weeks.

Businessman Paul Mitchell is the founder and chairman of the superPAC. Jeff Timmer of The Sterling Group, former Michigan GOP executive director and now Pure PAC manager, produced the ad. It's the first spot to air in the 2014 Senate campaign.

With Rep. Justin Amash's announcement today that he is not running for Senate, it seems pretty clear that this will be a one man, one woman race, with Peters, a West Bloomfield Township Democrat, facing former Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, a Kent County Republican.

You can watch the ad here.


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