Wednesday, September 18, 2013

17 mass shootings just since Newtown

The Huffington Post has created an infographic (above) that shows there have been 17 mass shootings in the U.S. just since the Newtown massacre last December.
Using the FBI's definition of mass murder --  the slaying of four or more people – the news site found that shootings related to drug or gang violence often get less attention than those perpetrated by a crazed gunman.

HuffPo combed through a variety of news sources, including Reddit's community-generated database of mass shootings, and came up with their graphic, which may be incomplete. Killing sprees that occurred in more than one location were counted, but mass shootings that unfolded over more than one day, such as the string of homicides committed by ex-cop Christopher Dorner in Los Angeles, were not.
This is just one small and somewhat arbitrary measure of gun violence, but it shows that mass shootings have become too common for each to be treated as a national event.

Guns have killed about 24,580 Americans since Newtown, according to Slate's estimate based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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