Sunday, September 22, 2013

His old feisty self, Patterson backs Detroit retirees

L. Brooks Patterson, who just a few months ago still seemed a bit tentative and sometime lacking enunciation when speaking, is back to his old feisty self.
Appearing on WXYZ-TV’s “Spotlight on the News” this morning with host Chuck Stokes, the Oakland County executive showed no signs of the terrible injuries in a 2012 car crash that nearly took his life.

Patterson, who said he will seek re-election in 2016, had this to say:

* The Detroit retirees are unfairly becoming an easy scapegoat in the bankruptcy court. Those who rely on the Detroit pension system are not responsible for the mismanagement and corruption that led to the city going broke. After working for decades providing basic city services at a moderate wage, they deserve to continue receiving their modest pensions.
* The prospect of selling off paintings and artifacts at the Detroit Institute of Arts (which the executive called the last, best asset the city has) is a “bluff” by Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.
* Diverting money from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department to help pay off the Motor City’s massive debts would amount to improperly “co-mingling” funds. DWSD’s 128 suburban customers will not help bail out the city, and any such move would be foolish when Detroit is $30 to $40 billion behind schedule in repairing and replacing sewer and water infrastructure, some of which dates to the 19th Century.
* Fellow Republican Gov. Snyder deserves a “B+” grade at this point in his first term in office. Patterson was particularly harsh in criticizing Snyder’s support for the latest attempt in Lansing to reform Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance system. The proposed legislation would only enrich the insurance companies and House Speaker Jase Bolger, a Marshal Republican, has “drunk the Kool-Aid” on this issue.

Other than that, it was just a routine Sunday morning TV interview.


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