Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fouts could use some lessons in foreign policy

So, Warren Mayor Jim Fouts thinks that Bashar Assad’s Syria is a “small, second-rate nation that poses no threat to the U.S. or any other country in the world.”
Hmmm. Sounds like the retired government teacher could use a few lessons in history and geopolitics.

In case you missed it, Fouts chose a 9/11 memorial service on Wednesday to give a speech expressing his opposition to the proposed U.S. missile attacks on Syria in retaliation for the Assad regime’s monstrous use of chemical weapons, which killed 1,400 people. The mayor’s views are apparently big, big news in Macomb County, though nowhere else in the world.

Meanwhile, I wonder what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would say about Fouts’ claim that, essentially, Syria is no threat to Israel. Maybe the mayor should think about how ridiculous his comment would sound to the leaders of Jordan and Turkey, the Kurds in Iraq and certain factions in Lebanon.
Putting aside the fact that any nation that uses chemical weapons is instantly labeled a threat to the whole world, has Fouts given any thought as to why several Mideast nations are spending big bucks to fund the rebels who are fighting a civil war to oust Assad? Don’t they know that they have no reason to worry about a small, second-rate nation?
Using Fouts’ anti-war logic, it was a mistake for the U.S. to come to the rescue of Panama, Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo. (Is it even necessary to mention Grenada?)

It seems that the foul-mouthed, tough-talking mayor is actually a softy, a peace activist with an inner flower child begging to come out.


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