Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mirror, mirror … who has the craziest political activists of all?

Eric Baerren, one of the most cynical, snarky and funny political writers in Michigan, has created a contest on his blog to determine who has the most “bat sh-- crazy” political gadflies of all – Macomb County or Up North.
The result is a true laugh-out-loud read. Unless, of course, you’re a diehard tea party member. Baerren, who is the editor for, obviously finds an abundance of nuttiness on the right side of the aisle.
Baerren, who also pens columns for our sister paper, the Mount Pleasant Morning Sun, writes that the “loons” in the tea party invariably come from Macomb or the north country. In his contest, he gives points to the two loony-locations based on recent events.

Here are a few excerpts from his Tuesday blog:
* If you're at all aware with the ongoing thing with Doug Sedenquist, the Yooper radio show host who is executive vice chairman of the Delta County GOP and a state committeeman and who on Facebook called (state Sen.)Tom Casperson a piece of (excrement) … he (is) scheduled to meet to hammer out a plea deal for the felony and couple of misdemeanors he's accused of committing in Green Bay, Wisc. … Up North: 1 point.

* Chad Selweski has a column today about how Ron Weiser, a former GOP state chairman and ambassador to Slovakia, went on a radio show hosted by a guy named Trucker Randy Bishop this morning to announce his candidacy for the U.of M Board of Regents. Selweski wonders why Weiser would do this on a show hosted by Trucker Randy, because Trucker Randy fled Macomb County for the Up North several years ago after facing (convictions for ) fraud … Trucker Randy lives in northern Michigan. So, Up North: 1 point. But he moved there from Macomb County. So, Macomb: 1 point.

* Finally, today, there is this mess of a manifesto, posted online. It alleges that our current federal government (for reasons including but not limited to amnesty, Benghazi and the Keystone Pipeline) is a worse despot than was King George III. It also says that our Founders intended a federalist system with a weak federal government and strong state governments, which tells us that the author neither understands the definition of federalism nor has actually read anything before or after the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The author of that is a (leader) of the Romeo Area Tea Party. Macomb: 1 point. 

So, let's tally up. Up North got a point for Doug Sedenquist. Up North also got a point for Trucker Randy Bishop. Macomb also got a point for Trucker Randy Bishop. Macomb also got a point for the Tea Party manifesto that, in better days, might have (been) scrawled in crayon across the back of a paper Denny's placemat. That's two each, meaning that today the competition of which part of the state is the greatest repository of bat sh-- craziness ends in a draw.

You can cast your votes -- or suggest additional material -- in the comments section below. 


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