Friday, September 6, 2013

Land is slammed for using Syria issue to raise money

Terri Lynn Land is getting slammed for using the debate on a military response in Syria to solicit funds for her Senate campaign.

A report in Politico called it “an unusually partisan solicitation on an issue of national security that has divided the right.” The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee called it “shameful.”
The email solicitation sent on Thursday urged conservatives to “stand up to the president” and oppose the military plan. At the end of the message is a red “DONATE NOW!” button.

The email asks supporters to sign a petition urging Land’s Democratic campaign opponent, Rep. Gary Peters, who remains undecided, to join her in opposition and vote “no” in the House.
“The president has failed to show how this internal conflict in Syria affects our national security, and his proposed military strategy has proved ineffective in the past,” she wrote.
After avoiding the Syria issue for several weeks – and remaining quiet for two weeks on the chemical weapons attack by the Syrian regime – Land issued a statement yesterday opposing military action.

The Land campaign downplayed the request for money at a time when the nation is debating the pros and cons of launching an air war.“It was an email asking people to sign a petition urging Gary Peters to vote no on the war in Syria and happened to have a donation link like other emails we send to our email list,” Land consultant John Yob told Politico.


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