Sunday, September 29, 2013

Granholm barely gets a word in on ABC's "This Week"

On this morning’s “This Week” broadcast on ABC former governor Jennifer Granholm barely got a word in as Bill Kristol tried to dominate the panel discussion by using an old cable TV trick: When someone tries to interrupt you to make a contrary point, just keep talking louder and louder so you drown the others out.

On the subject of Obamacare taking effect, a possible government shutdown and lifting the debt ceiling, host George Stephanopoulos gave Kristol free reign to sink the discussion into a near-shouting match. It’s increasingly irritating that Stephanopolous allows these panel discussions to sink to cable’s level. Worse yet, he long ago broke with “This Week” tradition by inviting the participation of fringe commentators such as Katrina Vanden Heuvel and Kristol, whose initial claim to fame was as an aide to Dan Quayle.

David Brinkley must be rolling over in his grave.

As for Granholm, when the discussion turned to whether Obama’s inability to deal with Congress and negotiate compromises contributes to a possible shutdown, Stephanopolous missed the obvious question for the ex-governor: “You’re the only person at this table who has actually dealt with government shutdowns, what lessons did you learn from your budget battles with the Republicans in the Michigan Legislature?”


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