Thursday, October 24, 2013

McKenzie spices up congressional race with Sparty label and No Labels

The 11th Congressional District race certainly got much more interesting this morning when it was revealed that a former counterrorism expert who worked for the CIA and State Department will be running as a Democrat.
In her first big scoop as the new editor of Inside Michigan Politics, Susan Demas reported that Bobby McKenzie of Canton Township is getting into the race for the Oakland/Wayne district, no matter who else runs. The incumbent is the accidental congressman and former reindeer rancher, Republican Kerry Bentivolio of Milford, whose re-election chances look shaky. His GOP opposition comes from hot shot Trott – David Trott, the rich attorney whose specialty is foreclosing on homeowners.

McKenzie’s main Democratic competition, potentially, is highly regarded Wayne State Law School Dean Jocelyn Benson, who lost the 2010 secretary of state race to Ruth Johnson.
Some Republicans believe the Democratic contest is nothing more than a sideshow because the district is too heavily Republican for the GOP to lose.

In any event, here’s the part of Demas’ story that I enjoyed the most:
 “A Dearborn Heights native, McKenzie attended Michigan State University, where he was a walk-on (for) the basketball team in 1997 and 1998. But McKenzie notes his 'entire playing time was 9.6 seconds' and adds that people's interest in his athletic history stems from the fact that 'I'm 5 foot, 11 -- a pretty normal-looking guy.'
"'If I go out and play, the legend will die immediately,' he said with a laugh.

“… He said he felt "an obligation to get involved" in politics back home. McKenzie told IMP that the MI-11 needs a member of Congress who "cooperates and collaborates across the aisle." He noted his experience "working on very complicated problems" in foreign affairs and said he can offer "practical solutions."
“… McKenzie said he'd take "almost a No Labels approach" to win in the GOP-favored district, referring to the centrist, bipartisan Washington group. But he wasn't afraid to take some shots at his GOP opponents.

"'I have a background (that) contrasts nicely with a divisive Tea Party ideologue and a bankruptcy lawyer who's made a lot of money off the misery of people in this district,’ McKenzie said.”


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