Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Columnist says Bentivolio doesn't deserve GOP primary challenge

UPDATE: The first version of this post inadvertently left off the link to Lennox's column. You can read the entire piece at:



Kerry Bentivolio, the former reindeer rancher, Santa Claus impersonator and “accidental congressman,” is the subject of this week’s column from Dennis Lennox, who asserts that the incumbent representative should be given a free ride in the 2014 Republican primary and that his GOP challenger, Dave Trott, should back off.

Bentivolio, a virtual unknown in political circles a little over a year ago, is likely to get steamrolled by a $1 million-plus Trott campaign in the heavily Republican 11thDistrict that spans major portions of Oakland County and suburban Wayne. A libertarian-leaning Milford Republican, Bentivolio walked into that seat last year after then-congressman Thad McCotter resigned in disgrace.

Lennox, a conservative Republican who writes for our sister paper, the Mount Pleasant Morning Sun, argues that Trott’s fundraising abilities could be put to better use strategically helping out the GOP ticket in November 2014. Lennox also writes that Bentivolio, a strong ally of the tea party, does not deserve the scorn he receives from some mainstream Republicans.

Here’s Lennox’s take:

“While some of his positions on matters of foreign affairs are troubling, the reality of the matter is Bentivolio has more or less voted the Republican line without compromising his tea party convictions.

“… Trott, a lawyer from Birmingham, isn’t running because Bentivolio has voted the wrong way. (His voting record is the ‘real deal,’ according to the astute pundit Bill Ballenger of Inside Michigan Politics.)

"Trott’s support comes down to one thing: ‘Kerry is not one of us,’ as one prominent Oakland County Republican, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said.”

Lennox forgot to mention one other thing: Trott’s sleazy background as one of the state’s leading profiteers in the foreclosure crisis of 2008-10. His law firm, Trott & Trott, representing various banks, was in the thick of the rampant house takeaways during that ugly period of time.

Bentivolio is probably the ultimate proof that a Democrat cannot win in the 11thDistrict. But Trott could be in for a very rough ride if he emerges as the leading GOP candidate.


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