Friday, October 25, 2013

An honest Obama would blame himself for ACA mess

Not to sound smug, but I am amazed that none of the pundits railing about the disastrous Obamacare rollout  have come to the same conclusion I did: it never had to happen.
In my Sunday column last weekend, I put forward the argument that, if President could have put partisanship aside and taken the high road, he could have offered the congressional Republicans a delay in the exchanges in a tradeoff that would have avoided the shutdown and near-default.
Instead, we now hear from political analysts that the Republicans missed chances, and the president is embarrassed, and the contractors should have blown the whistle.

Here’s a portion of my column:
“… Delaying the ACA exchanges was an option – a smart, pragmatic option.

“Realizing that the exchanges were headed for a meltdown – even if the online traffic on the web site was not heavier than expected – Obama had an opening.
“On Sept. 30, he could have swallowed his political pride and made a shrewd move – a totally unexpected decision – to announce a delay in the individual exchanges in exchange for keeping the government running and temporarily raising the debt ceiling.
“Befuddled congressional Republicans, caught off guard by the offer, would have immediately accepted it. They never would realize that they had been snookered, because an ACA delay was their Plan B.

“The GOP would have achieved a concession they coveted, and Obama would have disarmed them to some extent. The mantra that the president refuses to negotiate and won’t work with Congress would be silenced.
That would have scored big political points for the White House with independents and moderates. More importantly, the president would have avoided the messy ACA enrollment period and would have quietly dodged a political bullet.
“Yet, he pushed forward in a fit of Inside-The-Beltway bellicosity.”


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