Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Peters hit from both sides on Obamacare

The super-PAC known as Pure PAC is back with another TV ad targeting Rep. Gary Peters, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, with a 30-second spot designed to sound like a Pure Michigan ad.

The commercial raps the West Bloomfield Township Democrat for supporting Obamacare, but the timing is a bit awkward as the Senate candidate most recently gained attention for, in essence, voting against the Affordable Care Act.

Peters was one of the 39 Democrats who split from President Obama last week and voted for a bill sponsored by fellow Michigan representative Fred Upton designed to "fix" the ACA. One left-wing blogger has referred to the 39 as "cowards."

The president made it abundantly clear that he would veto the legislation. He said that Upton, a west Michigan Republican, was attempting to undermine the ACA by allowing people to keep or purchase individual-market health plans that don’t meet Obamacare standards.

Peters, who has staunchly supported the ACA for years, found himself in strange company -- surrounded by GOP foes of the president -- during Friday’s House vote.

So, at a time when the congressman could be labeled by fellow Democrats as disloyal to the president -- or a flip-flopper -- he is getting whacked repeatedly by the other side, by Republicans, for supporting Obamacare at all.

Though the 2014 election is still nearly a year away, the field has been cleared for Peters to face Republican Terri Lynn Land, the former Michigan Secretary of State. Pure PAC, formed by Saginaw County businessman Paul Mitchell, has already financed one ad criticizing Peters as a Washington insider.

The new spot that begins airing today in all Michigan media markets again refers to the congressman’s actions as “pure Washington.”

You can watch the ad here. Or, here is the transcript:

The new federal health care website. It’s where Michiganders are forced to sign up for Obamacare.

Congressman Gary Peters voted for it, and how’s that going?

Many families are losing coverage and have to buy costly new insurance on a $500 million website that Washington can’t make work.

Now Peters wants to stay in Washington as Michigan’s next senator.

And that makes sense if you think Michigan needs more Obamacare.

Congressman Gary Peters: Pure Washington.


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