Thursday, November 7, 2013

'Golden boy' politics reporter switching from National Review to Wash. Post

Robert Costa, the “golden boy” of the nation’s premier political reporters,  is switching from the conservative National Review to the more-mainstream Washington Post.
Costa, the NR Capital Bureau chief in Washington, has earned heaps of praise in recent months for his in-depth, behind-the-scenes coverage of the politics surrounding the government shutdown. On Twitter, Costa routinely receives applause from fellow journalists.
“Bob has become an absolute must-follow for his coverage of Republicans, particularly after his stellar runs during this year’s government shutdown, the fiscal cliff negotiations and the 2012 presidential campaign. He is a believer in journalism, new and old …” said an internal memo from editors to reporters.

It’s a bit unclear whether the Post’s new owner, billionaire Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, played a role in stealing away Costa from NR. But Bezos’ promise to bring new reporting talent on board was already demonstrated in mid-October when the paper announced the hiring of Associated Press investigative reporter Adam Goldman.
In any event, the Post editors promise that Costa will continue doing what he’s been doing as “one of the country’s best chroniclers of the Republican Party.”

Last month, New York magazine crowned Costa the “golden boy of the government shutdown” because of his enviable style of reporting.
The magazine concluded: “His reporting from behind the closed doors of  Republicans in Congress held up as indispensable, a shining beacon of the (journalism) form in which a man tirelessly asks questions and prints answers without fluff or bluster.”

In a brief chat with the Post’s Erik Wemple Blog, senior politics editor Steven Ginsberg went even further in describing Costa’s abilities: “We’re not looking to change the way he covers politics. He has put forward a new model on how to dominate a beat.”


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