Friday, November 15, 2013

GOP giddy over Obamacare failures

Republican leaders cannot contain their giddiness over the debacle that Obamacare has  become.
Congressman Greg Walden, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee -- the House GOP's political arm -- said Obamacare will be the “dominant” issue of the 2014 election season and any Democrat who supported the bill, especially those who spread the “you can keep it if you like it” message, better watch their back.
Similar comments are coming from all quarters within the Republican Party but BuzzFeed reports that Walden is especially bullish about the mid-term elections.
He's a portion of BuzzFeed's report:
“'These people are getting caught red-handed,' Walden told reporters during a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. 'They’re co-conspirators in that ('keep it' lie). You can’t get away from that.
"He pointed to Democrats like Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader — who was recently caught deleting a page on his website that said his constituents could keep their health insurance plans if they chose to — who will be forced to answer for the early failures of Obamacare.
“'This is a hurricane of mammoth proportion that’s going to strike everybody,'” Walden said.
Everybody? That's certainly an overstatement. The vast majority of Americans will not be personally affected, one way or the other. 
It’s also important for all those on Capitol Hill to remember that a month ago the conventional wisdom inside the Beltway was that the GOP face an ugly 2014 thanks to the government shutdown.
Obamacare is a mess. But a year from now it may be a political hurricane only within the Republicans' tea party base.


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