Friday, August 2, 2013

The auto industry that Congress wanted to kill keeps roaring along

Regular readers of this blog have certainly heard this before: I’m still waiting for an apology from those Southern senators and all the ill-informed critics in Washington who said in 2008-09 that providing rescue loans to the auto industry would be “like pouring money down a rat hole.”
The latest stats, for July sales, shows General Motors sales up 16.3 percent, Ford up 11.4 percent, Chrysler up 11 percent.

I’ve been giving Congresswoman Candice Miller a hard time this week so I’ll let her share in the good news and explain why those numbers are so important:

“(The) July auto sale figures posted by GM, Ford and Chrysler (are) fantastic news, not only for each automaker but also for our state and our entire domestic auto industry,” the Harrison Township Republican said in a statement. 
“Hard work, ingenuity and great products are driving overall sales up across the board, beating expectations left and right.  The men and women who make up the Big Three continue to prove to the world that the best is made in Detroit.  This vital industry is continually providing great new products that are being embraced by consumers.  Everyone in our community should take pride in their continued resurgence.”


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