Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mich. GOP vice chair smacks Gov. Snyder

This post was updated on Aug. 27, 2013, at 1:14 p.m.

Beyond the obvious Michigan battle between mainstream Republicans and tea party types, today’s (tentative) big vote on Medicaid expansion in the state Senate has unveiled another major split – Michigan GOP Vice Chairman Victor Diaz vs. Gov. Rick Snyder.

On Facebook, Diaz today is urging fellow Republicans to call key senators and “encourage them to stay the course (or switch their vote). … Do not let ‘Snydercaid’ pass the Michigan Senate!”

Snydercaid is apparently now the disparaging moniker used to belittle the governor – a Michigan version of "Obamacare."

Diaz is imploring conservative stalwarts to call Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and three GOP senators who may be teetering toward support for the Medicaid bill.

“Let them know that we must say no to Snydercaid!” Diaz concludes.

UPDATE: Apparently party Chairman Bobby Schostak, a Snyder pal, didn’t place a call to Diaz and tell him to knock it off. In his newest FB post, Diaz continues to take aim at the GOP governor: “At the Senate chambers where the Republican caucus is twisting arms to get Sndyer’s vote on Snydercaid passed. I think the ‘Hastert rule’ is in question! Just say no to Snydercaid!”


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