Friday, August 23, 2013

SHOCKER: Drolet's pig linked all the way back to the JFK assassination?

The history of Mr. Perks, the pink fiberglass pig, has been taken several steps further to suggest that anti-tax activist Leon Drolet’s political prop could be connected all the way to the JFK assassination.
The ever-astute Ken Braun of the Mackinac Center points out the flaws in my version of this twisted tail – uh, tale – which began earlier this week when Drolet was finally apprehended by the coppers for illegally parking the pig.

Apparently, my version is a few strips of bacon shy of a plate-load. I made the connection back to the original Mr. Perks, a live pig, but I failed to oink-out the full story of the current fiberglass version that Drolet has hauled around the state on a trailer.

Here is Braun’s theory of past events:

“Chad Selweski snoops out even more suspicious connections between the curious pink pig and other politicians. Good stuff, but he fails to mention the pig's role in harassing then-Speaker Andy Dillon for his role in helping Gov. Jenny with her tax hikes a few years back.
“Coincidentally - or NOT - Dillon was embroiled in a fight for his political life this week just as Drolet was being busted on a trumped-up charge relating to the pig's political past deeds. The suspicions clearly run deeper than advertised.

“And Dillon, once a Democrat, has since switched over to work with the GOP. Much like former Texas Gov. John Connelly, who -- while still a Democrat -- was wounded by a bullet that hit JFK during the assassination.
“Of course, if you watch the early portions of the Zapruder film, you may be able to make out the outlines of a pink fiberglass pig preceding the presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza ...”

Hmmmm. Something to think about. Could there be a connection between Drolet and Oliver Stone?


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