Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Miller giveaways at big GOP dinner made in China

As a token of her appreciation for longtime GOP support, Congresswoman Candy Miller chose a very odd gift to distribute at Monday’s Macomb County Republicans’ Lincoln Dinner.
The giveaways at each table were stress balls shaped like Abraham Lincoln. Rather than the usual round squeezy ball of foam, these were shaped like a bust Lincoln, with Miller’s name emblazoned below.

I’m not sure why any self-respecting GOP loyalist would want to melt away their stress by squeezing the head of America’s greatest Republican president. Or, for that matter, what is the significance of curing agitation or anxiety by repeatedly crushing in your palm something with the congresswoman’s name on it?
Wouldn’t a Barack Obama squeeze ball be more appropriate?
But the biggest faux pas by Miller centers on what was inscribed on the bottom of the stress toy. 

No, it did not say, “Paid for by …” which it probably should have.
But it did say “CHINA” – as in, “Made in …”

Apparently, the "Chinese Lincolns" created quite a snarky buzz among some in the crowd.

The irony is that the giveaways were part of an event attended by 650 people where Gov. Rick Snyder talked about the revival of Michigan manufacturing and successful efforts to bring new businesses to the state. When she spoke, Miller praised the rebound of the Michigan economy profusely.

btw: Miller, apparently in all sincerity, had this to say while riling up the crowd on the immigration reform issue: “I think the ‘Gang of Eight’ in the Senate, and the White House, are targeting me.”
She was referring to a poorly attended and badly organized protest at her Shelby Township office (which I have written aboutpreviously) by pro-immigration groups based outside of her district earlier this month.


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