Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fox TV station tries to scrub Internet of on-air racist joke

The Fox News local affiliate in San Francisco that stupidly allowed a racist joke to be reported as fact regarding the Asiana Airlines plane crash is now reportedly trying to scrub the Internet of all video and audio recordings of the embarrassing faux pas.
But in their attempt to ask You Tube users and news organizations to take down any links to the miscue, KTVU-TV has drawn renewed attention to the on-air incident and has apparently caused some websites and bloggers to counter the effort.

If you haven’t heard this one, KTVU fell for a gag when they somehow thought a prank was inside information on the names of the four Korean pilots aboard the plane that crashed upon landing. For example, the anchorwoman reported with a straight face that one pilot was named “Sum Ting Wong.”

So far, no one from the station has been fired. But the airline plans to sue and online commentators have speculated that it may serve as the worst on-air mistake ever made by a TV news outlet.
If you want to see just how ridiculous this error was, you can watch the clip here.


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