Friday, July 12, 2013

MDP's Lon Johnson backs Mark 'Don't call me a Dem' Hackel

Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Lon Johnson gave Mark Hackel a big-time endorsement in response to the Macomb County executive’s statements earlier this week that he doesn’t want to be labeled a Democrat except when his name appears on the ballot.

On Thursday night, Johnson issued a three-sentence press release that said this:

“I’d like to thank Mark Hackel for his commitment and service to the Michigan Democratic Party. His leadership in Macomb County and broad popularity adds tremendous value to the Democratic team. His inclusive nature will help us broaden the base and improve our competitive position in the Detroit region and across the state.”

It appears that Johnson, who received strong backing from Hackel in his successful bid to oust Mark Brewer as the MDP chairman, decided to issue a statement in response to repeated media inquiries.

It also appears that the party chairman does not want to directly address Hackel’s comments in The Macomb Daily, such as:

“On the election ballot, he added, ‘I have somewhat of an affiliation’ with the Democratic Party, given his south Macomb blue-collar roots. But if he has to run as a true-blue Democrat in the future in order to win a statewide office ‘then I guess I don’t want to be elected. I … think true leadership is when you step outside of all that.’”

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