Thursday, July 11, 2013

Activist will discuss overreaction to Paula Deen on Fox

Greg Murray, a Macomb County political activist who has taken outspoken stands in favor of civil rights for minorities but sometimes takes a contrarian view on the same subject, will be a guest on Fox2 News’ show “Let It Rip” on Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
The subject of the show is racial relations in America and  they will discuss Murray’s Monday column for The Macomb Daily in which he questioned the harsh public and corporate reaction to celebrity chef Paula Deen’s use of the  “n-word.”

“It seems like she has become the poster girl for situational corporate consciousness to the extent she is more than being made an example of political correctness; she is being demonized right out of her humanity,” Murray wrote in his column.

“She is paying a huge price for a prior discretion. And for being honest.

“She was trapped inside a deposition and, to both her credit and demise, told the truth. Given the nature of the lawsuit filed by a former employee, the question asked seemed relevant, but some believe it was a trick question, the kind that could be used later down the road if a trial was the only way to get 'justice.'"

"Some believe she is getting her justice, all right, but it is being served with such viciousness that the scales of justice appear to have been turned into an ice cold mallet being used to break her for life,” wrote Murray, a former Mount Clemens school board member and a union official who represents Detroit city workers.

Also scheduled to appear on the provocative “Let It Rip” panel is Darrel Dawsey from, who argues that a recent Rasmussen poll indicating that most Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites is a farce. 



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