Thursday, April 4, 2013

NRA comes to press event packing heat

In case you missed it …

At the National Rifle Association’s press conference on Tuesday, the NRA broke with all protocol at the National Press Club when they sent about 20 people packing heat to the event.

The Washington Post’s Dana Millbank described the scene in his column, commenting that NRA spokesman Asa Hutchinson, for whatever reason, was “protected by more armed guards than a Third World dictator.” These NRA “gun-lobby goons” -- roughly one for every three reporters -- fanned out through the National Press Club, Millbank wrote, “some in uniforms with gun holsters exposed, others with earpieces and bulges under their suit jackets.”

“In a spectacle that officials at the National Press Club said they had never seen before, the NRA gunmen directed some photographers not to take pictures, ordered reporters out of the lobby when NRA officials passed and inspected reporters' briefcases before granting them access to the news conference.”

The NRA’s security guards gained notoriety earlier this year when, escorting NRA officials to a congressional hearing, they were upbraided by Capitol authorities for pushing cameramen. The armed “thugs,” according to Millbank were back on Tuesday.

“The antics gave new meaning to the notion of disarming your critics.”


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