Monday, April 15, 2013

Did Snyder have to dodge pie from Hackel?

The governors of Michigan and Kentucky made a wager on the NCAA national championship basketball game between U-M and Louisville, and Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel made sure that Gov. Rick Snyder paid off in high style.
If U-M had won the title game, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear
would have sent seven bottles of Kentucky bourbon to Lansing. Snyder had promised "the world's best cherry pie," made with Michigan cherries, and now has to pay up.
When Snyder attended a chambers of commerce luncheon on Friday in Harrison Township, Hackel showed up on stage with two Achatz pies. One was a cherry pie to be sent to Frankfort, the other was a four-berry pie for the Snyder family.
The governor’s response?
“I’m just glad he’s giving them to me and not throwing them at me.”


Hackel also had a little fun with the children of Craig and Maria Sherman of Omega Solutions, the primary sponsors of the luncheon, which was held at MacRay Banquet Center. Speaking to the crowd of 450 on hand, Hackel introduced Dylan, 13, and Michael, 10, who were both dressed in a suit and tie.
Prior to the luncheon, Hackel said he was debating whether to wear a tie. Knowing that Snyder famously eschews a tie on most occasions, the executive said he nonetheless played it safe and put on a tie.
Then, addressing the boys, he said: “Guys, he’s not wearing a tie. Let’s take ‘em off.” And the executive quickly cast aside his neck tie and left it on the stage, adopting the open-collar Snyder-look as the crowd laughed and applauded.


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