Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cox: Agema makes GOP look like 'bunch of yahoos'

Not only did former attorney general Mike Cox surprise the Republican establishment yesterday by saying he does not oppose same sex marriage, he belittled Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, who has relied upon the writings of a KKK member to claim that homosexuals are deviants who live a “filthy” lifestyle.

In case you missed it, Agema, a former state representative from western Michigan, recently posted a hateful Facebook message that was based, in part, on the views of Dr. Edward Fields, a non-practicing chiropractor from Marietta, Ga., and a prolific hater of Jews, blacks and gays. Some of the claims in the Facebook post: 37 percent of homosexuals engage in sadomasochism, 60 percent say they have had sex with strangers in “bathhouses,” about 80 percent of homosexuals are infected with sexually transmitted diseases, and the average gay person has between 20 and 106 sexual partners per year.
Agema, who has brushed aside calls for his resignation from the RNC, defended his deplorable post this way: “The trouble is, many don't like facts.”
Here are four of Cox’s remarks on the controversy:
* "I like Dave and I find him entertaining at times, but posting the rants of a white supremacist using 40-year-old data hurts the party." ("Ex-AG Cox: Same sex marriage 'part of modern life'," The Detroit News, 4/8).
* "We're conservative, but that doesn't always mean we need to be backward thinking." ("Ex-AG Cox: Same sex marriage 'part of modern life'," The Detroit News, 4/8).

·        *  "It’s dumb politics. Truth be told, I love Dave, part for the entertainment value and part because he speaks his mind. But what he posted was ugly, old and makes Republicans look like a bunch of yahoos. Quite frankly, it hurts any principled argument that he would like to make against same-sex marriage." (Cox: I'm Not Against Gay Marriage," MIRS News Service, 4/8)

·         * "I don’t think there’s been a huge rush by anyone to defend him." ("Cox: I'm Not Against Gay Marriage," MIRS News Service, 4/8)


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