Thursday, April 11, 2013

GOP's 'caveman contingent' under fire

Dennis Lennox, the firebrand 29-year-old GOP activist who is trying to oust Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, continues to emerge as a new voice in the party.
The Detroit News’ Nolan Finley wrote in his column today that one positive byproduct of Agema’s hateful, anti-gay pronouncements may that a new group of young party members may find their voice and force the GOP to modernize their views on social issues such as gay marriage.

"It's given a lot of sensible Republicans a vehicle to go after the 1 or 2 percent of the party who make up its Neanderthal element," said Lennox, a Grand Traverse County precinct delegate.
Finley, whose conservative credentials are solid, suggests the party's “caveman contingent” is larger than Lennox estimates. I would remind everyone that a recent poll of GOP precinct delegates said half would re-elect Agema to the RNC, despite the fact that the former state representative stands by the decades-old bigoted rants against gays by a KKK member.

The Agema crowd consists of those who mindlessly label moderate – or even insufficiently conservative -- Republicans as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). They are the party’s knuckle-draggers who have turned off minorities and young people with their right-wing rhetoric.

"The Reagan playbook doesn't work anymore,” Lennox said. “My party faces a real challenge. It doesn't speak to anyone under age 35. Republicans must look and talk like the America of the second decade of the 21st Century.”


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