Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In response to Boston, let's nuke Czechoslovakia!

For those of you who didn’t see this, reported the other day on the substantial number of embarrassing tweets that have referred to the Boston bombers as hailing from the Czech Republic.

Czech … Chechen … what’s the difference?

Well, for starters, they’re a few thousand miles apart. Chechnya is a restive republic in southern Russia known for its terror-driven separatist movement. With the support of al-Qaida, the Chechens (mostly Muslim) fought two bloody wars in the 1990s with the Russians as they attempted to break away and declare independence.

The Czech Republic, which is located in central Europe and grew out of the collapse of the Soviet Union, is a modern, westernized democracy that enjoys a stable economy and a peaceful co-existence with its neighbors. It’s largely a Christian nation and a U.S. ally.

So, all those who angrily used expletives on Twitter to demand that the U.S. bomb or “nuke” the Czech Republic must feel pretty stupid. Because, of course, they are.

Yet, some of the tweets were more ignorant than others. Some called for vengeance on Czechoslovakia, a former Soviet bloc nation which has not existed in 20 years.

You can see the tweets here.


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