Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Congressional Democrats oppose Brewer re-election as party chair

In a stunning move, the Democrats in the Michigan congressional delegation have announced that they will oppose the re-election of Mark Brewer for party chairman, a post he has held for 18 years.
Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Car Levin and the Democratic House members are urging the delegates attending the Democratic State Convention later this month to support Lon Johnson of Kalkaska for the party’s top post.
In a letter to party members, the seven Democrats wrote: 
"In 2012 we were able to achieve some important victories.  Unfortunately, we suffered disappointing State losses and we now face many challenges in Michigan with the actions of the Governor, the State legislature and the Michigan Supreme Court. We have a lot of work to do together to change this dynamic and win at the state and local  levels.
"We believe that the combination of challenges and opportunities that dramatically confront Michigan Democrats today have called on us as elected Democrats to urge a new and inclusive chapter in MDP leadership."


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