Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Best way to defend 2nd Amendment? Make gun control against the law

Here’s another little tidbit from Ben Jacobs at the DailyDownload:

“Mike Leara is a Missouri state legislator from suburban St. Louis, a position which is not interesting or noteworthy. In fact, normally, a person like Leara would receive slightly less news coverage than a friend of a childhood neighbor of Kim Kardashian and slightly more coverage than a high ranking general in a non-English speaking country with nuclear weapons. But that equation changed when Leara introduced a bill in the Missouri House of Representatives to make it a felony for any other legislator to introduce gun control legislation.
As reported by liberal site Think Progress, the bill states that “[a]ny member of the general assembly who proposes a piece of legislation that further restricts the right of an individual to bear arms, as set forth under the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, shall be guilty of a class D felony.” Needless to say, this legislation has no chance of becoming law but that hasn’t stopped breathless reporting on the subject from all sorts of national news outlets even though Leara himself admits that ‘I have no illusions about the bill making it through the legislative process.’”


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