Friday, June 14, 2013

Rogers says he won't run for Senate

Congressman Mike Rogers has just announced that he will not run for Carl Levin's Senate seat in 2014.

Here's his statement:

Growing up in Brighton, my mom ran the local Chamber of Commerce and my dad was a high school teacher, football coach and local official. Their selfless actions ingrained in me the importance of and honor in public service, and the satisfaction of working with others to improve our community.

It has been such a privilege and honor to represent the people of Michigan's Eighth Congressional District. In recent years, and with my constituents' confidence, we have been able to work in a bipartisan way to make a difference and accomplish great things for our state and country. We eliminated federal taxes on education savings accounts and protected the sanctity of military funerals. Together we continue to fight the massive government takeover of health care, and work to provide real cost savings and preserve the doctor patient relationship. We've worked to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil and led bipartisan efforts to protect the Great Lakes from invasive species like Asian Carp.

And now, as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, we've worked in a bipartisan way to dramatically improve the oversight of our national security programs and pass significant national security measures into law. We have also advanced important cyber security legislation and measures to crack down on cyber thieves like China who are stealing good-paying jobs from Michigan and around the nation.

I am truly humbled by the encouragement I have had to run for the United States Senate. After careful and thorough deliberation and long talks with my family, friends and supporters, I have determined that the best way for me to continue to have a direct impact for my constituents and the nation is to remain in the House of Representatives. For me, the significance and depth of the impact I can make on my constituent's behalf far outweighs the perceived importance of any title I might hold.

I believe that my constituents sent me to Washington to do something - to work to help improve the economy, crack down on wasteful Washington spending and keep America safe. With these marching orders, I believe that from my current position I am best able to have a real, positive impact on protecting our nation and her citizens. And with complex challenges in Syria, Iran, North Korea, North Africa, Afghanistan, and China - intelligence issues will continue to be at the forefront of American national security concerns in the coming years.

I am committed to doing my best on your behalf to work with Republicans and Democrats in a non-partisan way to advance America's national security interests in these areas, while conducting aggressive oversight of President Obama's new national security team and the policies this Administration is implementing. Of course, without strong national security, America cannot have a strong economy and good-paying jobs back home.

We in Michigan have the good fortune of having a deep bench of Republican leaders who would make great United States Senators. I have full confidence that Michigan's Republican primary voters will select a candidate who can win and who will represent what has united the Michigan Republican party for generations: support for the free market capitalism that has created the strongest economy and biggest middle class on earth, a limited government, a strong American foreign policy, and a robust defense of our nation's security.

Once the Senate primary has concluded, I look forward to doing everything I can to elect a Republican U.S. Senator from Michigan who will work to keep Michigan moving forward and help us get a handle on out-of-control Washington spending and debt.

Thank you again for your generous support, friendship and encouragement. I look forward to continuing to work together.


Mike Rogers


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