Monday, June 24, 2013

Liberals boo, heckle Pelosi

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi got a taste of the left-wing, ultraliberal crowd’s stridency over the weekend when she attended a Netroots Nation event and was booed and heckled by the crowd.
The subject on Saturday in San Jose was NSA surveillance and leaker Edward Snowden.
Earlier this month, Pelosi said she thought Snowden should be prosecuted for his role in leaking top secret material about the NSA's dragnet approach to phone data. 
According to The Huffington Post, Pelosi’s troubles at the California gathering began when she said it is unfair to label President Obama’s second term in office as President George W. Bush's "fourth term." She reportedly asserted that Democrats had brought increased oversight to the NSA by creating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, or FISA.

Here’s how HuffPo summarized the scene:
“As she spoke about the need to ‘balance’ privacy and security, a man stood and yelled, ‘it's not a balance, it makes us less safe.’ The man continued to decry ‘secret courts,’ and staffers began to escort him from the room.
“Pelosi said it was fine for him to stay, but the man was eventually ejected. On the way out, some members of the audience began to shout at the staffers to ‘leave him alone.’

“The conversation then shifted to Snowden, who on Friday was charged with espionage over his leaking of classified documents to media outlets.
“Pelosi said that Snowden ‘did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents,’ a remark that elicited boos and yells throughout the ballroom. One man screamed, ‘You suck!’"


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