Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rep. Rogers defends NSA telephone spying, says program stopped significant terrorist plot

Mike Rogers, the Brighton Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, says the ongoing NSA search of telephone records thwarted an attempted terrorist attack in the United States in the last few years.
Rogers defended the telephone records collection at a Capitol Hill news conference earlier today, saying it was all handled legally. According to AP, he said the information culled from the records enabled U.S. authorities to stop a "significant case."

Rogers declined to provide additional details but said he was in touch with U.S. officials about providing more information.
The congressman said the NSA search is for business records and is constantly being reviewed. He said nothing is done without court approval.

Can we assume from this rather brave stand -- one that clearly puts Rogers swimming upstream against the strong current that represents conservative thought on this issue,  that Rogers definitely will not be running for U.S. Senate in 2014?


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