To put into perspective how dramatically our politics have evolved on the issue of gay marriage, take a look at the Senate roll call vote on the 1996 Defense Of Marriage Act.
The DOMA legislation passed by an overwhelming 85-14 vote. Among those voting in favor of blocking federal benefits to same-sex couples was Michigan Sen. Carl Levin and fellow liberal Democrats such as Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, Tom Harkin of Iowa and Chris Dodd of Connecticut.
Imagine this: the late Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey voting in concurrence with Republican Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.
Or this: the late Democratic Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota voting side by side with GOP Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina.
It’s almost as if a century’s worth of political evolution occurred in just 17 years.
For the entire Sept. 10, 1996, roll call, click here.
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