Friday, January 25, 2013

Believe it or not: GOP hates Obama but likes his gun control plans

The newest poll numbers reveal an interesting fact about the public debate on gun issues: Republicans like many of the gun control measures proposed by President Obama – just as long as they’re not linked to Obama.
Not since the debate over health care reform has a poll showed so clearly the paradox of support for Obama proposals and distaste for Obama.

Get this straight: It’s personal.

The new Washington Post poll (summarized above) clearly shows that Republicans support closing the gun show loophole by a huge margin, and they solidly support a ban on high-capacity gun clips and creating a federal database of gun sales. Of course, all three of those proposals are at the heart of the Obama gun package.
Yet, when Republicans were asked if they support Obama’s overall gun plan, 72 percent said they oppose it.
Dan Feehery, who served as spokesman for former House Speaker Denny Hastert, offered similar observations about the anti-Obama roadblock in an interview with something called Take Action News TV, an online television outlet.

The Post’s Chris Cillizza sums up the situation this way:
“Republicans’ sharp negative reaction to Obama’s gun control proposals symbolizes a paradox of presidential leadership in a hyper-partisan era. Obama’s full-throated endorsement of a comprehensive proposal may have increased the chances new gun restrictions become law. But as the chief messenger he also brings out a lot of ill from the opposition. And with Republicans deeply distrustful of Obama — 80 percent disapproved of his performance in  a Post-ABC poll released last week — the messenger will be judged just as much as the message.”

(It should also be noted that 45 percent approval among Republicans to ban so-called assault weapons – far higher than the general perception -- must certainly serve as an unpleasant surprise for GOP congressional leaders.)


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