Thursday, January 24, 2013

A fascinating list: Guns By The Numbers

Third Way, a centrist political group, doing what they do best, has put together a list that they simply call: “Guns By The Numbers.” Essentially, Third Way has shown that there is a little something for everybody to latch onto in the gun debate. Some fascinating stats here:

0 -- People denied a firearm for being on the suspected
terrorist no-fly list.

1 -- Mental health disability records in the background
check database from Pennsylvania.

5 -- People denied a firearm for mental health reasons
for every 10,000 who apply.

33 -- States allowing for sales of handguns at gun shows
without a background check.

74 -- Percentage of NRA members who support
background checks at gun shows.

7 -- Seconds it typically takes for the National Instant
Check System to answer a call requesting a
background check.

92 -- Percentage of background checks completed

-- The legal age to purchase a handgun.

-- The most common age to be arrested for a gun crime.
24 -- Number of federal prosecutions for selling a gun to a minor between 2000 and 2002.

89 -- Percentage of crime gun traces in which the person
using the gun wasn’t the person who originally
bought it.

273 -- Firearms purchased in New York recovered in crimes
committed in other states.

3,873 -- Firearms recovered in New York crimes originally
purchased in other states.

6,220 -- Murders with a handgun in 2011.

323 -- Murders with a rifle (including assault rifles) in 2011.
14 -- Dollars it costs to purchase a high-capacity clip.

-- Gun purchases from federally licensed gun dealers in the year after 9/11.

14,033,824 -- Gun purchases from federally licensed gun dealers in the year after Barack Obama was first elected president.

Those who want to check out the footnotes that back up these numbers can see them here.



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