Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Poll: Tea Party still unpopular in Mich.

Tea party members may be almost universally viewed as victims of IRS abuse these days, but a new poll shows that in Michigan they’re still not popular with the public.
A new EPIC-MRA poll found that 42 percent of statewide voters oppose the tea party movement compared to 36 percent who support it. While 16 percent said they “strongly support” the tea party, twice as many – 32 percent – said they strongly oppose this new brand of conservatism.

Nonetheless, perceptions of the tea party are actually up since the last poll by Lansing-based EPIC-MRA in April which showed a 20-point gap – 49 percent of the public opposed and 29 percent in support. In the polling firm’s February survey, the tea party came up shot by a 42-33 percent margin.

The new poll was conducted May 11-15 just as the story about the IRS targeting tea party groups for intense scrutiny when they applied for tax exempt status was exploding into one of the biggest news stories of the year.


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